Medicare, Medicaid, Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Fraud

According to its website, the Health Administration division of Veterans Affairs (or “VA”) is the “largest integrated health care system” in the U.S. The government, via Medicaid, Medicare and other programs, is also the single largest customer of drug and health care companies.

Dollars with stethoscope on them

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Common health care abuses include:

  • Kickbacks or bribes
  • New drug approval abuses
  • Off label marketing (misbranding)
  • Over charging for products and services
  • Upcoding – assigning an inaccurate billing code to a procedure or treatment to increase reimbursement
  • Unbundling or fragmentation – breaking up one procedure into several to increase the cost
  • Unnecessary procedures
  • False or exaggerated billing or billing estimates
  • False certifications that products meet government specifications or guidelines
American currency in a prescription drug bottle

We’re Here to Help

If you are concerned about a situation you are aware of, you should act promptly to seek advice, both in order to take the burden off of your shoulders and because whistleblower laws have limitations periods which could act to bar your claim.

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