The key to a successful whistleblower action is convincing the government to join the case. The professionals at Pelton Graham have represented scores of whistleblowers and know what it takes to get the government involved. We recently represented two whistleblowers in their efforts to stop health care fraud. 

New York Attorney General Letitia James announced the $4 million settlement with two individuals and their two therapy companies. The settlement resolves allegations that the couple and their companies falsely billed Medicaid and other federal health care programs for physical therapy services and used non-licensed individuals to provide physical therapy services.

From the Attorney General’s press release, “The case was initiated by former employees and whistleblowers …, who will receive a portion of the settlement. The whistleblower lawsuit was filed under the qui tam provisions of the federal and New York False Claims Act, which allow people to file civil actions on behalf of the government and share in any recovery.” 

Retaliation is an all-too-common result of whistleblowing, despite numerous laws designed to prevent it. Pelton Graham attorneys are also experienced in retaliation and will fight to protect your rights if you make a claim.

You should contact an attorney experienced in handling whistleblower cases to discuss your situation and discover what claims you may have. The attorneys at Pelton Graham are experienced at advocating for clients who have experienced unethical and illegal activities in the workplace and are happy to talk with you about your experience. Consultations are free, and as contingency fee attorneys, we do not get paid unless we recover for you.